Thursday, December 17, 2009

Master of Unusual Comedy Bounces into Alberta

Michel Lauzière performs in Spruce Grove on Saturday, January 16 and in St. Albert on Sunday, January 17

Performing for over 20 years, Michel Lauzière always manages to amaze his audiences with new and exciting stunts. Having taken his act all over the world, performing in over six different languages, Lauzière claims that no matter where he goes, or how big the crowd is, as long as he can make kids laugh his job is done. Lauzière’s inventive comedy and musical routines are back in the province this January for two shows, Horizon Stage, in Spruce Grove on January 16 and the Arden Theatre, in St. Albert on January 17.

From the moment Lauzière stepped onto a stage, performing for children became his passion. “Kids are the most honest, generous type of crowd;” says the seasoned performer. “If they are not captivated by what you do they will soon make it known and you will lose their attention. But if they like it, there is no better experience than to have them follow you into your world.” And follow him they do, as he performs a variety of musical numbers on dishes, horns, bells and other self-created instruments, as well as some wacky and wonderful physical stunts.

“Every time I get to see Michel perform I see something new”, says Brenda Heatherington, the Arden Theatre’s Professional Programming Presenter. “He never ceases to amaze me.” Media around the world have called Michel "a modern clown without the red nose and oversized shoes”, "the alchemist of sound”, a “stream of fresh air on stage” and "the flagship of modern variety ".

Tickets for Michel Lauzière on January 16 in Spruce Grove are $15 for all ages and can be purchased by calling 780.962.8995. Tickets for his performance in St. Albert on January 17 are $20 for adults and $18 for children and can be purchased by calling 780.459.1542. Tickets for both shows are also available through Ticketmaster.

Sponsors: City of St. Albert, The City of Spruce Grove, Parkland County, Alberta Foundation for the Arts, Canadian Heritage, Canada Council, Edmonton’s Child, EZ Rock and Grove Pontiac GMC

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